Features BeamNG Drive

Features BeamNG Drive
Cars and maps - the main functional elements of the game BeamNG Drive. Their diversity and interoperability make the game rich and fascinating. Due to the ease of modding the game, to date, appeared many mods machines, location of zonesthat allow you to vary the basic modification of the game. All mods are free to download and a few minutes to update the game world. All software updates are designed to trifles, which is necessary to recreate realistic virtual world of crash-tests.

Realistic crash tests car

Software implementation of calculation of the physics of soft bodies - the main distinctive feature of the game, implemented at the expense of engine Torque 3D. Designed graphical effects are extremely rare in the race games. During the game, users will be able to realize the consequences of damage caused to the car during the accident. Broken, bent and distorted almost every detail of the car. The scale of destruction depends on technical characteristics of each accident.

In connection with sharp growth of popularity of the game BeamNG Drive, announced to the world in 2013, developers are actively working on improving it. In the near future players may become available functionality multiplayer.

Variety of maps for BeamNG Drive

Mods maps for BeamNG Drive will diversify the base locations in the game. At the discretion of the players you can select and add to the virtual world of the new urban map, ring roads and other location zone. They will become a perfect platform for testing new cars at maximum speed.

New mods of cars and maps for BeamNG Drive regularly appear on our site. Available a wide selection of Russian and foreign cars and location of zones around the world. They make the game interesting and intense. For all users free access to download machines and maps for BeamNG Drive.

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