Ford Cargo 2520 for Euro Truck Simulator 2

Mod Ford Cargo 2520 for Euro Truck Simulator 2 adds in game truck Ford Cargo 2520. Mod provides the ability to use the truck not only as a tractor, also have the ability to set the body of the truck. The possibilities for tuning are not as big, and the quality models are not that very good. However, this mod is worth a download if only because the car company Ford are very rare guests in Euro Truck Simulator 2.

Buy Ford Cargo 2520 at the Iveco company.

To totally free download the mod Ford Cargo 2520 for Euro Truck Simulator 2 use the links on this page.

Author selokaptan
Brand Ford
Model Cargo 2520
Car type Truck
Type of truck Dump truck
Drive type All wheels (AWD)
Number of axles 3
Compatible with the version of the game 1.1.x 1.10.x 1.2.x

 Views: 6.9k
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 Downloads: 927

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