Many players who have square monitors and monitors with aspect ratio 21:9 seen this bug with the lock. When lockpicking the game isn't displayed snips and a screwdriver, while you can still rotate and do all of the usual steps with the lock itself. This is quite baffled, isn't it? How to get rid of it? How to open a doors and a chests which affords the desired stimulants, ammunition and drugs? We also did a Fallout 4 test run on a square monitor, which was found somewhere in the depths of our warehouse and waht do you think? We had faced a similar problem too! The lock is not displayed! So what we've tried to fix this invisible lock. But after a number of fruitless attempts, we achieved the disappearance of this bug when the game doesn't show the lock.
So, what to do if making a lockpicking you can't see a hairpin and a screwdriver? Here's a solution. And even not one but two:
Lets try to fix the problem manually. For monitors with unusual aspect ratio, go to the following address:
"My documents\My games\Fallout4"
We need the file Fallout4Prefs.ini. In it are looking for the following lines:
iSize W=
iSize H=
And after the symbol "=" we set the desired resolution (W - width, H - height). For example:
iSize W=2560
iSize H=1080
The problem should disappear.
Now let us go to the square monitors. Here the problem is, the default resolution of the game is too stretched (this, incidentally, leads to incorrect display of the interface of the power armor). We need to force the game to run in widescreen resolution. If your computer is too weak for such an adventure, you can leave a 720p - game stretch, but the interface should remain normal. Through much trial and error we have found that the best resolution for square monitors will be 1280x800. And here's how to achieve it:
- Go to Nvidia control Panel>Display>adjusting the size and position of the desktop
- There you most likely should see something like zoom
- Select Perform scaling on GP and put a tick in the box Replacing zoom mode, preset for games and programs
- That's all! You're amazing!
If the previous solutions is too complicated for you or for some unknown reason doesn't work. You can try to download special
mod from our website. After downloading you will find detailed installation instructions in the ReadMe file. Empirically we found that all methods should work equally well, so which one to choose it's only you.
We will continue to monitor the emergence of new solutions for all new bugs in Fallout 4 and promptly add them to our website. If you are facing any problem then feel free to seek the advice of our moderators or to leave the topic on the form. Good luck in the Wasteland!