The Fallout 4 scandal

Fallout 4 event of the year
November 10, 2015 Fallout 4 was published. The various gaming communities around the world still rage about it. Fallout 4, that is, win or fail? Reputable gaming publications as one voice praise the game, while the players themselves are divided. The players complain about the graphics, which, in their opinion, does not correspond to the realities of 2015. Also, gamers around the world wouldn't like that Fallout 4 was released on the game engine Creative Engine that has long been obsolete. The next most popular complaints are the small size of the game world, the lack of a seamless world, a new leveling system.

Fallout 4 Steam
In Steam there is some negative dynamics. If yesterday, on the day of release, the game had a 83% positive feedback, now this number dropped to 79%. And you better not to look in comments - there is a real war. However, Fallout 4 today broke the old record set by GTA 5 - In Fallout 4 simultaneously played almost 500 thousand players, while in GTA 5 a little more than 300. Let's see what the results will be a week or a month later, when the hype will subside a bit. Fallout 4
Meanwhile, the authoritative website on which not only ordinary players can leave their critical reviews, but also professional critics, have brought to the situation even more questions. As you can see in the screenshot, none of the critics did not leave any negative feedback, while among the players (recall that it is the opinion of players can be considered completely unbiased, in contrast to the opinions of critics) most of the reviews are negative. An interesting situation is when the end user of the product resents its quality, and the community of critics who can be financial interested in the product and, moreover, serve as a powerful marketing tool, unanimously sing his praises. However, yesterday lowering of the game rating, brings some justice in this situation. Do not forget, moreover, that almost all gaming publications put the game the highest rating.

Also, many active users of the worldwide network were seen strange behavior with estimates of Fallout 4. Some people put the game the highest possible rating, on all available platforms, after some hours after the official release. It would not be strange if there was one such "critic", but there's a lot of them. Attention to screenshot:

Strange, isn't it?
Of course, Bethesda Softworks itself makes no comments on the matter, and we hardly ever wait for them. What does this all mean, you ask? We will not come to any conclusions and statements, leave it at your discretion. However, the facts speak volumes.

P. S. the Author of the article liked Fallout 4 and it's going to be happy to spend not a few hours or even days on Boston Heath.

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