Fallout 4 fan art

Fallout 4 fan art
A game like Fallout 4 simply can't fail to inspire the creative players. No matter whether they are: designers, writers, cosplayers or artists. Unfortunately we can't share with you the fruits of labor the first two, despite there are more than worthy things among the Fallout 4 fanfiction, but the work of artists and cosplayers over a completely subservient. So, get ready to meet our new hopefully regular heading: Fallout 4 fan art! And in the first edition we have something to show you. let's get Started:

Deathclaw Trainer by RPAkita

Trainer Deathclaw by RPAkita
Remember this moment from the last Jurassic Park? It would be strange if no one had thought to recreate it in the setting of Fallout 4. RPAkita did, thanks to him!

Fallout - Brotherhood of Steel cosplay by Shappi

Fallout - Brotherhood of Steel cosplay by Shappi
There is never enough good cosplay. Especially female. Especially in Fallout. Especially about the Brotherhood of Steel... but no, personally I can't stand these fanatics. But it doesn't matter. We face a great Brotherhood of Steel power armor cosplay, slightly modified to be lighter and more feminine, so the author looked at it better and freer. Great job Shappi! If you want to see this miracle in motion, then be sure to see it in this video.

Remain vigilant by yangzheyy

Remain vigilant by yangzheyy
Chinese artist yangzheyy absolutely right - if you do not remain vigilant you won't servive in the Wasteland. You'll even have to sleep in a hug with a shotgun. Great job from the inhabitant of China, but like all the rest of his work. If you are interested, take a profile on DevianArt.

Sole Survivor by Lei-Ren

Sole Survivor by Lei-Ren
Such a cool art, I personally haven't seen in a long time. The style, the idea, the attention to detail, and technique - all at the highest level! Russian artist Lei-Ren once again shows the highest level of the skill, receiving well-deserved praise and admiration.

Fallout 4-Fanart by Grobi-Grafik

Fallout 4-Fanart by Grobi-Grafik
More than known German artist Grobi-Grafik brings us another of his artworks, this time in the universe of Fallout. Grobi-Grafik's corporate identity betrays in almost every pixel of this magnificent picture, which is literally hard to look away. Bravo!

Fallout 4 by shalizeh

Fallout 4 by shalizeh
Another absolutely stunning art out of the hands of the Ukrainian artist shalizeh. Knight Dance from the Brotherhood of Steel looks epic as ever, and the comely face of his subordinate cannot look away. Please rate the work with light and shadows and incredible attention to detail - a true masterpiece!

I hope you got enjoyment from reading this article. In the future you will find even more incredible artists and cosplayers from all over the world, so add us to your bookmarks and stay tuned!

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