Harvesters for Farming Simulator 2017 0 Nova 3Ӡ0 0 Case IH Axial-Flow 92Ƽ0 0 John Deere T560ᶖ 0 Case IH Austoft 8৪00 0 New Holland TX3Ձ 0 Acros 595 Pluᵴ 0 Claas Lexion 8900〡lifespan increased 0 New Holland CH7.70〡lifespan increased 0 New Holland TX32〡texture bugs fixed 0 Case IH Axial-Flow 9250〡tire selection 0 Case IH Austoft 8800〡sugarcane harvester 0 John Deere T560i〡tire selection 0 Nova 330 v3.0 0 New Holland CH7.70〡has a capacity of 40000l 0 Claas Lexion 8900〡capacity 48000l 0 New Holland TX32〡capacity 5600 litres 0 Nova 330〡capacity 9900 litres 0 Case IH Axial-Flow 9250〡6 brands of wheel 0 Case IH Austoft 8800 0 John Deere T560i〡capacity 48000l 0 John Deere T560i〡wheels selection 0 Nova 330〡 with a choice of tires