ExtraBiomesXL for Minecraft

This MOD adds a new, beautiful biomes.
To the pluses of this mod is still that it is compatible with many modifications.
For example: in the fashion of biomes are generated by ore from GregTech.
MOD adds the following biomes:
-The Alps
-Autumn forest
-Birch forest
-Mountainous jungle
-Forest Hills
-Forest island
-Green Hills
Green swamp
-Snowy wasteland
-New swamp
-Mini jungle
Is a mountainous desert
-Table Mountain
Is a mountainous Taiga
-Sosnovy Bor
-Red Forest trees
-Winter forest
-Snow-covered spruce forest
-Temperate forest

Author MisterFiber
Required client version 1.6.4
Requires Forge API Forge API

 Views: 3.3k
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 Downloads: 168

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