Red Dead Redemption 2: dynamite

Red Dead Redemption 2: dynamite

Dynamite in Red Dead Redemption 2 is a very useful weapon. One such piece can bring you lots of fun. You can use it to clear enemies out of the way, to hack doors, and much more. And also you can play around and shove a stick of dynamite in the manure - when it explodes, all will fly to the passers-by people.

Red Dead Redemption 2: dynamite
To dynamite quite easily, you simply need to buy. The only negative is that many gunsmiths don't sell that. All the shops are legal in nature at once disappear, you have to look for fences.

Buyers acquire a variety of things: jewelry, jewellery, gold, lock picks, etc. One stick of dynamite they will cost a dollar, you have in your inventory can hold up to 8 pieces.

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