Red Dead Redemption 2: photo mode on PC

Red Dead Redemption 2: photo mode on PC

The release version of RDR 2 for PC is automatically equipped with mode photography, which allows you to take screenshots of the game. Let's look at how to enable this mode.

To activate it, you can at any time during the game. You can add different filters, edit contrast, exposure, blur, and focus. The camera is very easy to use so you will not have problems with it. Imagine this, that it is on the quadcopter, so you can move it to any plane.

Red Dead Redemption 2: photo mode on PC
To enable photo mode on PC Red Dead Redemption 2, you may click on the F6, but only in the pause mode. You can always change it, just go to game settings.

Red Dead Redemption 2: photo mode on PC

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