How to pass Chapter 4 of the RDR?

 Passing 4 chapters
The Storyline in Chapter IV of RDR 2 centers around Saint Denis, a large settlement that resembles New Orleans in spirit and atmosphere. Arthur Morgan will meet with the local Italian "mafia", Angelo Bronte, with an Indian chief and some minor characters who can give a couple of tasks that are not woven into the story…

Content of the article

Benefits of civilization
Angelo Bronte, man of honor
No, no, and no again
Help your brother
Fatherhood and other dreams
Brothers and sisters, all and every
Golden cage
Night of rampant revelry
Riders of the Apocalypse
Fathers of America
Entertainment in the city
Backwoods Search
Revenge is a dish...
Banking, old art

Benefits of civilization

The mission of "the Good of civilization" begins with the search for Angelo Bronte and a cursory acquaintance with Saint Denis, or more precisely-with a couple of drinking establishments located in the Northern part of the town. Before entering the saloon, Arthur Morgan will encounter a jokester Dutch, who decided to play an old friend by putting a revolver to the temple of the main character. It wouldn't come to that, and Arthur could finally move to the bar, order a whiskey, and ask a few questions about Angelo.

Benefits of civilization
The casual conversation will be interrupted immediately – the bartender will not even try to talk about anything and will try to escort Arthur to the street. A difficult situation will be saved by an unknown visitor to the saloon who decided to share information about Angelo.

How to proceed – the marker will tell you: first you will have to find the children behind the saloon (a short way will help you get to the point: after leaving, first to the right, and then to the right again, where the lane will appear), and then – pay $ 5 for information. At some point, the story of local children is interrupted by an unexpected situation – a young criminal snatches the bag from Arthur and runs along the alleys towards the market.

You can catch up with the youngster in the Southwestern part of the yellow area marked on the map. At the end of the chase, the thief will again lead to a gang of children who will once again tell you where Angelo Bronte is hiding and how much the Italian "mafia" is not happy about the appearance of the main character's gang in the city. The mission ends with a meeting with Dutch.

end of mission
Checklist for getting a gold medal:
  • Catch up with the boy faster than he gets to the local market.
  • Complete the task in 5 minutes and 30 seconds or earlier.

Angelo Bronte, man of honor

The quest begins with a meeting with Dutch and John in the Central part of Saint Denis, where you will have to get to the Angelo mansion and, after intimidating the guards, meet with the "boss". The characters will not be able to agree immediately, but by the end of the dialogue, there will be glimpses of possible cooperation. But first, Arthur must stop the robbers.

After leaving the mansion, you will have to get to the cemetery and find the crypt, where local bandits hide from the law and discuss future attacks. Before entering the crypt, it is desirable to search the area and find a dog and a drunk.

The search will end with a meeting with opponents who will have to shoot (4 will have to shoot in the head, and the rest-be sure to search!). Then you will see a place mark about searching for a new shelter located nearby and marked with a flashlight. Move around the cemetery after a shootout preferably with a disguise, otherwise the lawmen who arrived at the scene will announce a reward for Arthur's head, and the mission will become much more difficult.

end of mission
After a walk through the cemetery, it remains to go back to Bronte, talk to Dutch and pick up Jack. John will thank Arthur for the work he has done, and then he will pack up and leave the camp with his family. The gang's savings will be reduced by $ 225, but the lost money will not be a hindrance before the night of revelry…

Checklist for getting a gold medal:
  • To Get the 4 enemies in the head. With the task will help "Accurate eye" or aimed shooting from behind shelters.
  • Deal with the mission in 10 minutes and 40 seconds. It is better not to meet with lawyers, moving carefully between graves and hiding behind natural obstacles, but to gallop on a horse.
  • Don't get caught by the law. And, although the goal is important directly for getting a gold medal, it is profitable to pass covertly because of the reduced complexity. While there is no commotion around, moving through the scenery is much easier and safer.
  • Meet both the dog and the drunk. The local drinker is located near the cemetery, on the left side of the entrance. The dog is hidden on the right side of the main route.
Only after meeting with the characters should you return to the marked yellow area, otherwise the gold medal will not count.

No, no, and again no

The quest begins with a conversation with Mary-Beth at the camp. The girl will be happy to tell you about the situation in the camp, and along the way, she will also tell you about Tilly, who was kidnapped by the Forman brothers.
The brothers are hiding in the Radley house, where they will have to travel by coach with Miss Grimshaw. Already near the house, Grimshaw will talk to the guard and neutralize the poor guy. Repeat the feat of the woman a little later and Arthur will have to, but in the house (for shooting, it is better to use the "Accurate eye", otherwise the overall accuracy will decrease).

No, no and no again
After a short shootout, Arthur will get out of the house with Tilly, and then-jump on a horse (again with Grimshaw) to kill the rest of team foreman. The only one left alive is Anthony, the boss, who will be caught with a lasso and delivered to Tilly. Then the characters will discuss what happened, and the players will have a choice – to leave Anthony alive or-shoot the criminal and the boss of the Formans.

Checklist for getting a gold medal:
  • Kill members of the foreman gang during the pursuit;
  • Complete the mission with an accuracy of 90% or more. Improve accuracy will help the ability of the main character.

Help your brother

Secondary quest, issued after the "Benefits of civilization". A question mark will appear in the Eastern part of Saint Denis. On the spot, Arthur will find a penitent monk who dreams of a modest donation of $ 5 (if the money is not given, the reputation of the main character will not get better, but it will not change for the worse). After a short dialogue, the monk will tell you about a pawn shop nearby, where people are sold daily in the basements.

Help your brother
You need to check the information quickly. It is better to go straight to the back of the pawnshop, find the Cabinet and, by the marks and scratches left on the floor, confirm the presence of a hidden passage. Open the way to the truth will help maroon book, located on the second shelf at the bottom. In a secret passage – a couple of prisoners who remained to be released. The owner of the pawnshop-can no longer be found, he is selected from the institution after interacting with the Cabinet. The final touches are to share the money from the cash register with the prisoners (optional, but the plus point in karma is provided) and get to the monk. He will offer a reward, but if you do not take the money, the reputation points will be transferred to the account again.

Checklist for getting a gold medal:
  • Discover secrets without threatening the pawn shop owner;
  • Finish the task in 2 minutes and 45 seconds or faster.

Fatherhood and other dreams-part 2

The mission of the main storyline begins from the camp, where Arthur discovers a letter from a former lover. Mary asks for help again.

The quest "Fatherhood and other dreams" begins near the Grand hotel (South-Eastern part of the city, ML mark on the map). After the meeting, Arthur learns about Mary's problems with her father. A short briefing is interrupted by a choice – the former lover can not help, leaving alone with an unsolvable fate.

Fatherhood and other dreams
If you enter the case, the hero will first visit the stables of Eckhart, where the lost father does not want to unite with relatives and go "on business". What – will become known after a short surveillance (it is better not to hurry – the old man barely moves his legs and often turns around). Mary's father wants to sell the family jewel, which – after the sale-Arthur will return.

For a gold medal, you will have to act like lightning – preferably immediately either call a horse, or – jump on the nearest one, located on the corner of the street. It won't take long to drive the stagecoach – the pursuit will be over in 30 seconds.

Together with the cart, it remains to get to the buyer, from whom the jewel can easily be taken away or-to pay the full cost. At the end-a joint trip to the theater (a prerequisite for receiving a gold medal) and a heart-to-heart conversation with Mary.

Checklist for getting a gold medal:
  • Chase and then steal a carriage in 1 minute and 45 seconds;
  • Accept Mary's offer and visit the theater.

Siblings, all and everyone

In the North of the city, after the quest "Help your brother", a new question mark will appear on the map. Quest is optional, but after passing 4 chapters will not be found in the story.

Not far from the question mark, Arthur is waiting for sister Calderon, who teaches local street children to read and write. An already short dialogue between the characters is interrupted by the theft of the crucifix. A homeless boy will grab a cross and run through the streets. For the gold medal, you will have to rush after (after the intersection-to the left, and then-to the yellow marker). The quest involves communicating with local residents, but to reach after the fork, you should turn left and run until the waif is in the hands of an unknown man.

Brothers and sisters
On the way back, Morgan will meet a girl of easy virtue and even run into lawyers. Avoid adventures will help hide-huddled in a dark corner of the pursuit will end, and the hero will be able to pass the Calderon sisters missing. Nearby, by the way, there is a post office, where it is easy to atone for sins before the law.

Gold medal Checklist: detect a thief in 19 seconds or faster.

Golden cage

The mission begins with a conversation with Hosea in the camp. A few phrases and Dutch will appear in the frame, suggesting that Arthur attend a party hosted by Angelo Bronte.

In the mansion, where the characters will get already in tuxedos and in full dress, you will first have to deal with the official part – to greet Bronte, and only after that-to start carousing and getting a gold medal.

Golden cage
Checklist for getting a gold medal:
  • Already at the party, you will have to drink a couple of glasses of alcohol, praise the guest's costume, accept a gift from the heart and save someone else's life. You should start with compliments to the lady who has located the problem from the musicians. Then-offer to drink champagne to the girls. Then you should walk between the tables, where the guest will find it difficult to breathe. In the end, the business card offered by the lucky person who was saved should be taken away.
  • Pursue the servant and avoid being seen by anyone. No surprises: the main thing is to move slowly, look around and avoid obstacles.

Night of unrestrained revelry

The meeting with Trelawny and Strauss is at the tailor's in Saint Denis. Both characters will appear next to a riverboat where poker games are played and serious sums are drawn. Arthur will have to hit the jackpot, pretending to be rich (you will need a suit and a stylish hairstyle with a trimmed beard – you will not have to pay for innovations, everything will fall into the hands of the main character for free).

Night of rampant revelry
After a short preparation and discussion of details, the characters will move to the ship, where they will follow Strauss's commands (a push with the foot-fold, a nod with the head-call). For a gold medal, it's better to skip the hints.

After the victory, you will have to go to the safe and pick up the contents. After that, a shootout will begin, in which – even before the escape – you will have to make 5 accurate hits to the head (you can not do without a "Marksman"), and then – get to the yellow marker in 35 seconds.

Checklist for getting a gold medal:
  • Hit 5 opponents in the head.
  • Complete the quest without medication.
  • Win at poker without help from Strauss.
  • Escape by boat from pursuers in 35 seconds or faster.

Horsemen, Apocalypses

The quest is taken from Sadie Adler, located in the camp. The dialog is almost immediately interrupted by the unexpected appearance of Dutch, who offers a new task. In less than two seconds, shots would be fired in the air, and the O'Driscoll would appear around the camp. To complete the quest, you will have to hide behind obstacles and columns and shoot at those who appear on the road (for a gold medal, it is better not to aim backhand, but use Morgan's special abilities).

Horsemen, Apocalypse
In 3-4 minutes, Dutch will suggest retreating to the estate. The bookcase will have to block the door, and later-to get to the paddock, where Sadie Adler remained. The girl and without the help of Arthur will deal with some opponents. Other O'Driscoll depart a little later, losing huge amounts of armed troops.

Checklist for getting a gold medal:
  • At least 15 hits to the head;
  • Accuracy-75% or higher;
  • No medication;
  • In combat – only firearms;
  • Before landing – shooting at the O'Driscoll positions.

Fathers of America

The quest is divided into parts and begins at a yellow question mark located opposite the police station. Evelyn Miller, Raines Fallom and Eagle Flies will appear there: the characters will ask Arthur to find evidence of unfair behavior of the government, which wants to evict some of the local residents because of the discovered oil fields. After the introductory part, you will have to wait a little – 2-3 days, and then return to Valentine, where the second part of the quest will begin.

On the task, you will have to find securities of the Leland Oil Development Company hidden inside the Cornwall Kerosene & Tar factory. Needle Fleece will tell you how to get inside. But it is better to proceed as follows: after the dialogue, go down the hill and climb into the car, then go to the southern part of the plant. A yellow marker will tell you where to go next.

Fathers of America
For gold, you can not raise the alarm, and therefore the guards will have to avoid. Already on the second floor there will be a door to the office of Mr. Danbury, who has the papers. After a few threats, the man will split. With the evidence found, it remains to get out to the street, where the shooting will begin almost immediately.

Checklist for getting a gold medal:
  • Destroy the factory by hiding in the car;
  • Get to Danbury's office without being seen;
  • Kill pursuers on horseback during the chase;
  • Achieve accuracy of 80% or higher.

Entertainment in the city

The mission begins at the tram station where Dutch and Lenny are located. After a short dialogue, the characters will put masks on their faces and enter the station, where they will announce the beginning of the robbery. The remaining people in the building will have to be thoroughly searched (for a gold medal – everyone!).

After a minute of bickering and searching, the cashier unlocks the door to the safe, where, in General, there is nothing to take. But the cries for help will attract the closest lawyers. You will have to save yourself with the help of a cart located on the street.

Entertainment in the city
The chase will end quickly – Arthur will not be able to control the cart for long and will soon crash into the nearest obstacle. The entire team will remain intact, but the lawyers will not be left behind. To escape will have to Wade through the alleys of a busy city. The mission ends at the bridge, where Lenny throws dynamite, which will have to get from the first "take" (help "Good eye").

Checklist for getting a gold medal:
  • Rob every customer at the station;
  • Kill ten or more lawyers in the car.
  • Protect the back of the car from pursuers until the end of the quest.
  • Shoot the dynamite thrown by lenny.
  • Deal with the task without using medication.

Backwoods Search

Quest "Search in the backwoods" is transmitted by Dutch in the camp. Together with Hosea, Dutch decides what to do with Angelo Bronte and whether to Rob the Italian's Bank. Arthur will not be allowed to put in a word – he will have to agree to everything and move through the city first to Thomas, and then to his business partner Jules.

backwoods Search
The mission is slow and mostly safe: the main thing is to keep up with Thomas and not provoke alligators located in the swamps. On the way back, the animals will get mad and start attacking Arthur. But there is nothing to worry about – Thomas will tell you when to move and how to escape.

In a few minutes, Jules will appear in the swamp. The guy has a fever: he talks about a huge alligator and raves about an imminent death from the fangs of an insatiable animal. The truth will disappear later – when the heroes start to return to the dock, a real monster will appear out of the water, which you will have to shoot at until it disappears into the swamp. You will have to shoot often (at least 5 times) and accurately, otherwise the predator attack will end in Jules ' death.

Checklist for getting a gold medal:
  • Return Jules in 1 minute and 40 seconds or faster;
  • Shoot the alligator 5 times.

Revenge is a dish...

After meeting the alligators, the mission will begin there. Dutch is in the same place where Thomas was hiding in «backwoods Search». The entire team will get into the boat and head to the mansion. At first we will have to act quietly, but after a while the shooting will begin. For the gold medal, you will have to shoot exactly in the head.

You can get to the residence through the main doors (firearms will help you break the lock). Inside-full of enemies, so you should hide behind shelters and do not rush (you can not restore vitality in battle, otherwise you will not be given a medal). On the second floor, you will have to search every room and pick up useful supplies.

In the Central part (behind a small door) is the office of Bronte: the Italian will have to be knocked down and searched, and then – to shoulder and carry out of the mansion. For some 1 minute and 30 seconds, Bronte needs to be delivered to the boat, and then-back to Dutch.

Checklist for getting a gold medal:
  • Search every room in the Bronte mansion.
  • Take Bronte to the boat in less than 1 minute and 30 seconds.
  • Hit 20 times in the head.
  • Complete the mission without medication.

Banking, old art

The final Chapter quest will begin in the camp. After a conversation with a Dutch Arthur will disguise myself and will go to the Bank. At first, everything goes according to plan – Abigail and Hosea confuse the lawmen at the police station, and the rest of the team is already in the Bank and trying to open the vault. The code for the safe is 19/72/54.

After stealing the contents of the vault, a shootout will begin. You will have to shoot for a long time and accurately (it is worth remembering about hits to the head). Enemies roll in waves and hide behind obstacles (especially on the balconies of the second floor).

During a short lull, you will have to go back to Dutch, get dynamite and plant a charge that will have to blow up the North-Eastern part of the building. After the explosion, Morgan will have to go up to the roof and cover Dutch from there (a stick of dynamite will help to defeat the Gatling gun).

A new lull and Arthur offers to run on the roofs in search of salvation. But the plan is impossible to implement – Lenny is shot and is on the verge of death. The team decides to stay in the building until dark. At nightfall, Arthur will have to follow Dutch to the car, and then act in accordance with the instructions issued (you will have to distract the guards and move to the left side of the boxes and crates. You don't need to shoot at your enemies.

end of mission
The last step is to get on the ship and arrange a trip with the captain... to Northern Cuba. But already from the ship, ominous clouds will be visible and thunder will be heard spreading across the sky.

Checklist for getting a gold medal:
  • You can Crack a safe without making mistakes;
  • Use only pistols for shooting;
  • Hit 25 opponents in the head;
  • Do not be treated and do not use medications during the quest.

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