Search Madame Nazar in RDR 2

Madame Nazar in RDR 2
If you decide to become a collector in RDR online, you need to find Madame Nazar. After your first acquaintance with it, a collector's bag appears on sale, which costs 15 gold bars. If you have already collected 54 maps of the game (here we draw an analogy with GTA), then you will get the item you need to complete the game for free. After the first delivery of the collection, it will not be easy to find Madame Nazar in Red Dead Redemption 2.

As an ordinary merchant, she constantly leaves her place and it is impossible to predict where it will be on the map. When you find Madame Nazar on the game map, it will be marked with a round icon, and inside it will be the letter X. To see it on the map, you need to appear next to the area where the mysterious Madam is located. When you enter this area, you will see an icon on the map that will not disappear until you hand over all the items.

map of Madame Nazar's location
It is very easy to become a collector:
  • Approach Madame Nazar's caravan;
  • Launch the cut scene;
  • And you will learn from her what it takes.
Each time you find Madame Nazar after meeting in the game world becomes more and more difficult, because it can be very far from you, perhaps on the very edge of the map.
Every day it changes its location, and the icon on the map will disappear until you come across its "traces". When gamers are looking for Madame Nazar, all locations are displayed on the map. Thanks to this, we managed to make 12 possible points where it can appear.

It is worth noting that if you purchased a collector's card from her, it will simplify the search task. All you need to do is activate the documents in the bag, and then the collector's cards. However, there is a disadvantage: if there is a second collector's card, it will remove the existing item markers from the collection.

As mentioned above, the location of the Madam is selected randomly from certain points.

Players often notice that Madame Nazar walks by herself, today she is here, tomorrow she is already there. In fact, this is the highlight of the game: you search for it yourself every time you need it, or you can contact the community, but the location may not be determined exactly.
Therefore, gamers often have a question: How to find Madame Nazar?

Rockstar technical support says that Madame Nazar in DDR 2 travels all over the map every day. But, the developers said that there are signs that indicate that Madame Nazar is nearby, and you can rely on them during the search:
  1. Where Madame Nazar is located, there is music from her gramophone.
  2. She has a cart that can be seen from a distance.
  3. if you follow the music's call, the location of the Madam will be marked on the map. If the player collected all the items in the collection of the week of Madame Nazar, but could not find them in the game world, then the items can be sent by mail.
There are also 3 main points where the players noticed Madame Nazar:
  • At the river Creek near Strawbery.
  • At the equator, on the road to the left of the great sign, or rather at lake O'creagb's Run.
  • Over the Manteca Falls river (red line).
If you need a personal audience and need to know the exact location now, you should check out RedDeadDailies, where gamers publish maps with its coordinates daily.

The game has a great way to make good money with the help of Madame. Sell her unusual items that are hidden. Hidden items are in the process of exploring the game world. It is recommended to use the hunter's vision mode, because this is the only way to see the Golden glow that comes from collectible items. They will be marked on the Collector's Map, and you will have access to items in your bag. It shows the area of the rarest items that will make it easier to search and start the search engine. To complete this mission and simplify the task, you can buy additional maps from Madame Nazar.

As soon as you find the hidden item, you can safely go to Madame Nazar and sell them. Once the collection bag is available, you will see the items that need to be collected. If you are completing a section of the collection, it will cost much more, so we recommend that you first build a complete set.

Madame Nazar
Don't forget to check your email in order to get notified about the weekly collection of items, they can bring you a good income if you have time to run before the end of time. Fully assembled kits are sold to Madame by mail, it is not necessary to bypass the entire map of the game world.

Some players often notice Madame Nazar in the Cumberland forest location, Ambarino region. On the northeast corner of the map. Focus on the window stone, Fort Wallace. For quick movement, you can go to Valentine.

Thus, before searching for Madame Nazar, it is better to collect the entire collection of cards from the offered ones, than to run one card at a time. This is both more profitable and time-saving.

So where in RDR 2 online can I find Madame Nazar today?

Today, Madame Nazar is located at the Bluewater swamp, in one of the five States Lemoyne. In the North Eastern area of the map. The Van Horn estate and the Kamassa river will serve as a reference point. Lagras is the nearest point for rapid teleportation.

Good catch!

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