Legendary Smallmouth bass in RDR 2

Legendary Smallmouth bass in RDR 2
The Legendary Smallmouth bass is one of the legendary fish in Red Dead Redemption 2. In what area does it live, how can it be caught, and then what can be done with it? The answers to these questions are below.

Where to find Smallmouth perch in RDR 2
Where to catch Smallmouth bass in RDR 2
Perch live in the lake Bandila, near Strawberry. The best place for fishing will be where several fishermen are already standing. Among the baits, you should choose a Special bait for the lake.

Special lake bait in RDR 2
Smallmouth perch is a fairly large fish. You can't leave it in the inventory, you need to deliver it to the post office in Strawberry.

Smallmouth bass Fishing in RDR 2
Tip: despite the fact that this is a fairly quiet and safe area, there are moments that can interfere with fishing. Before you stand next to another fisherman, you should check if he has a dog. Otherwise, the animal will constantly bark, and thus frighten all the fish.

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