RDR 2 will make a movie?

Kit Harrington
Fans of Red Dead Redemption 2 are at a loss: will a movie be made based on the game? Yes, and not with someone in the main role, but with the star of the series "Game of thrones"?

The reasons for the excitement are quite clear: the Internet has a trailer for the film on the theme of RDR 2. the Main role, as conceived by the creators, is played by kit Harington, known to a wide audience on the series "Game of thrones" and played the role of Jon snow. A short sketch shows us the world of the Wild West with its characteristic features. The video only lasts a minute and a half. During this time, the viewer will be able to see how the main character of the game, played by Harrington, approaches the horse, gives up on it, and at this time, one of the cowboys on the ground points the barrel of a gun at him. Sounds vistel, after which the screen darkens.

Snow on a horse
But fans of the game will be disappointed: this trailer is just a fan fiction that appeared on the user's Youtube channel under the nickname Smasher. In fact, the trailer uses footage from the movie "Hell" with the same Harrington in the title role. At the same time, gamers do not give up hope to see a film adaptation of RDR 2 in the near future. Most of the fans of Red Dead Redemption see kit Harrington as John Marston, who was the main character of the first part of RDR.

It is worth saying that their hopes are not unfounded: for the Fallout franchise, almost a whole series was announced not so long ago, and even earlier it became known about the upcoming shooting of a multi-part film on the game The Last of Us.

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