SpinTires: Lost in Translation

SpinTires lost in translation
As you probably know, there is the Cyrillic alphabet spread around former Soviet Union and some Eastern Europe countries. For the Western man's view it is almost unreadable. As much as we look for Chinese characters or Arabic script. Therefore, the inscription in Russian, which often occur in SpinTires, cause quite a confusion.

The examples are not far to seek. In SpinTires subreddit such posts appear regulary. Players are asked to explain the meaning of the unknown characters printed on the side of their off-road machines. Pretty funny to see people wondering about the meaning of the words in the comments. So much funny that we even decided to share this with you.


SpinTires all OLHEONACHO
Quite obvious for Russians, but unreadable for any others, the word "ОГНЕОПАСНО" printed on a bright orange side of a hefty tank and provided with a characteristic icon with a burning flame, can cause considerable hardship for native English speakers. Fortunately, the man came and save the day by explaining the meaning of the word. We recommend to go to the discussion and upvote his comment. He deserved it.


There is that COAEQKNN AECNPOMXOE in SpinTires, whatever it is
No, it's not an ancient spell in Latin. This is just an attempt to write "Солецкий Леспромхоз" in Roman alphabet. The attempt is dommed to fail, unless you know at least the basics of transcription of the Cyrillic alphabet to the Roman alphabet. However, we must say that it's definitely harder than "ОГНЕОПАСНО". And again there were the heroes who resolve the situation in thecomments. Applause!

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