SpinTires texture guide

SpinTires modding
We continue to produce our guides about SpinTires modding. In this issue, you may find some useful information about texture files for your mod.

SpinTires can read many texture formats, however it is highly recommended to use a lossless data compression format (TGA will be a good choice), as originally used format automatic convert to DDS format.

Original mash texture will not be part of final mod.

It is extremelly recommended to use lowercase alphanumeric font for all file names. The only special sighn is "_".

Some of texture's properties may be described by a postfix in their name (i.e. the text after the "_" symbol):

_cube – this file will be automatically repacked in the ccubemap texture.

_vol – this file will be automatically repacked in volume texture.

_n – this file is the normalmap and will be repacked accordingly. Its mipmap chain of the texture will be created automatically.

_s – this file is a specularmap and will be repacked in single-channel textures (R-channel or original texture).

The mipmap chain of the texture will be created automatically.

_uncmp – this file will not convert, so that the quality of the texture will be better, but the size is about 4 times more.

_d – this file is the diffuse map and will be repacked accordingly. The mipmap chain of the texture will be created automatically.

_a - this file contains an alpha channel (if the file name contains no suffix, then the alpha channel is ignored).

But in General, you should name your files something like this:

[name]__d.tga for diffuse textures.

[name]__d_a.tga for diffuse textures with alpha channel or transparency.

[name]__s_d.tga for specular map.

[name]__n_d.tga for normal maps.

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