Uruk-Hai Lurz and coloring to Uruk-Hai orcs for Skyrim

MOD adds satellite ORC named Lurz, who founded the Uruk-Hai Commander from the first film of the Lord of the rings.

Specializes in archery, odnoručnom weapons and heavy armor.
It has a large number of lives, but he's not immortal.

Lurca can be found in Health-Jale (Dushnik-Yal)

The MOD includes two battle Orcs, men's coloring.

These face paints do not have a normal map currently, I would like to make a request for somebody to do one?

Uruk-Hai armor is installed separately.

Possible bug with that battle coloring appears in your character. It is treated by the person generating menu via the console ("show facegenmenu") and a new facial coloring.

Companion type Humanoid
Can be handled

 Views: 4.9k
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 Downloads: 217

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