SkyUI 4.1 - new interface for Skyrim

SkyUI for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Version: 4.1
Language of fashion: Russian

Mod modifies the default interface, makes it more convenient.
- Added icons instead of the names of categories
- Mini-icons for each type of subject
- Extra columns showing the additional information (weight, cost, etc.)
- Special icons showing stolen, enchanted things or caused poison
- Search for things on inventory
- Also supports high resolution screen. Was tested on permissions from 800x600 to h.
- Since version 3.0 added menus mod settings MCM, which can be seen in the main menu (by pressing Esc). Through him you can configure not only fashion, but also some other fashion. In the future, the majority of mods for Skyrim can be configured through MCM.
- For correct operation fashion necessarily need Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) version 1.6.6 and above

Installation: Copy the files SkyUI.esp, SkyUI.bsa and SKSE in the Data folder, go along with the replacement of files.

Author schlangster
Skyrim Script Extender - SKSE required Download SKSE
Mod language Russian

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