Land Of High Rock for Skyrim

Mod allows you to play in the North West in the lands of the High rock. No teleports, only travel. Please visit Breton city Džehannu, nordskij Haafstad island and a hotel with terrible secrets. In fashion there are two quests, three new creatures, the voice and music of Daggerfolla. Have Fun.

MOD contains:-the city of Džehanna, the high rock (in process)
-the village of Haafstad and quest
-an abandoned ship with the enemy (can be used as a House after killing his chest; the necromancer does not respavnitsâ)
-Bandit Camp
-covered border with High Rock
-Hotel with Dungeon and quest
-three new creatures: Cerberus, a scoundrel and a skeleton guardian
-a small mine
-music from Daggerfolla
-horrible voice acting and bad jokes

IT IS IMPORTANT! You must unlock the border games. To do this, you should provide the skyrim.ini file the line bBorderRegionsEnabled = 0 (anywhere). Or install the mod.

Author JoopvanDie
Laction type New lands

 Views: 5.3k
Virus Detection Ratio: 0% (0/1)
 Downloads: 349

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