The magic of spriggan for Skyrim

Mod adds to the game the magic of spriggan: call spriggan", "Roy spriggan" and "treatment of spriggan". Summoning magic network under your control of one powerful spriggan. "Roy spriggan" operates in the far distance, and is a good magic. "Treatment of spriggan" is a talent that restores 200 units a player's health, it is already in the game, but with this mod to get it much easier. To find books with spells can have the king of spriggans, near the Rifton (map marker with which you can navigate directly to spriggan). King of spriggan has a large number of health and two spriggan helpers. Advise attack them over level 30 or have a good companion. Magic helps more at low levels, but also on high, too bad fit.

Author AnotherDovahkiin
Magic type spell

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